Research Reports
CSRCR2024-09 High-Order Interpolants for Derivatives of Smooth Functions Restricted to Hexahedral Nodes
Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2024-08 Modeling Wound Healing With Mimetic Differences
Harshith Das and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2024-07 General Framework for Mimetic Differences
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2024-06 Mass and Energy Preservation of Mimetic Difference Schemes for General Systems of Conservation Laws
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2024-05 Solving the Schrödinger Equation Using Mimetic Differences
Mani Amani and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2024-04 Image Shock Filtering With Mimetic Differences
Juan S. Carrillo and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2024-03 Solving the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation with Mimetic Differences
Kim Ngan Huynh and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2024-02 Marine Algae Stalk Ca2+ Regeneration Using Mimetic Differences
Mohsin A. Mohammed and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2024-01 Solving 2D Black-Scholes with Mimetic Differences
Zachary Humphries and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2023-11 Energy Preservation of High-Order Mimetic Differences for Systems of Conservation Laws
Miguel A. Dumett, Johnny Corbino, and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2023-10 High Order Mimetic Differences and Applications
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2023-09 PDE Base Image Compression
Devin Stanley and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2023-08 High Order Mimetic Symplectic Methods For Hamiltonian Systems
Anand Srinivasan and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2023-07 MOLE: Mimetic Operators Library Enhanced. The Open-Source Library for Solving Partial Differential Equations using Mimetic Methods
Johnny Corbino and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2023-06 Mimetic Differences for the Perona-Malik Equation
Thomas H. Keller and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2023-05 Energy Conservation and Convergence of High-Order Mimetic Schemes for the 3D Advection Equation
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2023-04 Simulating the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Maxwell System in the Relativistic Limit with Mimetic Differences
Hayden Frye and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2023-03 SIR Model For Rabies Among Foxes Using Mimetic Differences
Thomas Stone and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2023-02 Solving the Viscous Burgers’ Equation with Mimetic Differences
Michael Sanders and Miguel A. Dumett
CSRCR2023-01 Mimetic Analogs of Vector Calculus Identities
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2022-03 Energy Conservation of Second-Order Mimetic Difference Schemes for the 1D Advection Equation
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2022-02 Interpolation Operators for Staggered Grids
Miguel A. Dumett and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2022-01 Implementation Of Mimetic Relaxation Runge Kutta Methods
Anand Srinivasan, Johnny Corbino, and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2021-01 Modeling Nonlinear Dendritic Processing of Facilitation in a Dragonfly Target Tracking Neuron
Patrick A. Shoemaker
CSRCR2020-07 Exploring Economic Pricing in Wireless Networking Design for QoE-Driven Multimedia Services
Krishna Ramamoorthy
CSRCR2020-06 Clustering of the Microorganisms into the Empires and Kingdoms
Kunal Lalwani
CSRCR2020-05 Impact of Automated Vehicles’ Right of Way on Drivers’ Behavior; A Narrow AVExclusive Lane on an Existing Smart Freeway
Aryan Sohrabi
CSRCR2020-04 Design and Analysis of Innovative Circular Polarized High Gain Feed-Reflector and Phased Array Antenna System Solutions
Ghanshyam Mishra and Satish K. Sharma
CSRCR2020-03 Models for Propagating Sentiment analysis on news articles to forecast EUR-USD exchange rates
Gopinath Dayalan and Xiaobai Liu
CSRCR2020-02 Models for Propagating Facilitation in the Insect Visual System
Pradeep Singh
CSRCR2020-01 Development of Machine Learning Algorithms for Low-Resolution MIMO Signal Processing
Van Ly Nguyen
CSRCR2018-01 A Crash Course in Linear Elasticity
Guillermo Miranda
CSRCR2017-02 PETSc-based Parallelization of the fully 3D-curvilinear Non-hydrostatic Coastal Ocean Dynamics Model, GCCOM
Manuel Valera, Neelam Patel, and Jose Castillo
CSRCR2017-01 MOLE: Mimetic Operators Library Enhanced. The Open-Source Library for Solving Partial Differential Equations using Mimetic Methods
Johnny Corbino and Jose Castillo
CSRCR2016-01 Implementation of the Newton-Cotes and Mimetic Quadrature Coefficients for Numerical Integration
Anand Srinivasan and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2014-04 Constructing a Mimetic Curl Using Gauss’ Theorem
Eduardo Sanchez, Guillermo Miranda, and Jose Castillo
CSRCR2014-03 Shallow Water Equations Implemented on GPUs
M. Abouali and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2014-02 Regridding Data: A Package to Interpolate, Extrapolate, and Fitt a Curve
M. Abouali and Jose E. Castillo
CSRCR2014-01 Improving the Performance of Thermochemical Computations Using Many- Task Computing Methods
Mary P. Thomas, S. Bhattacharjee, Carny Cheng, Robert A. Edwards, Christopher P. Paolini
CSRCR2013-02 An Algorithmic Study of the Construction of Higher-order One-dimensional Castillo-Grone Mimetic Gradient and Divergence Operators
E.J. Sanchez and J.E. Castillo
CSRCR2013-01 High-Performance Computing in Simulating Carbon Dioxide Geologic Sequestration
E.J. Sanchez, C.P. Paolini, and J.E. Castillo
CSRCR2012-05 Mimetic Methods Toolkit: An Object-Oriented API Implementing Mimetic Discretization Methods
E.J. Sanchez, C.P. Paolini, and J.E. Castillo
CSRCR2012-04 Solving Advective Equations Using Castillo-Grone’s Mimetic Operators
M. Abouali and J. E. Castillo
CSRCR2012-03 FEMVib an Automated Publicly Available Web-Service for Solving the Vibrational Schrödinger Equation
P. Zajac, D. Xu and A. Cooksy
CSRCR2012-02 High-Order Compact Castillo-Grone’s Mimetic Operators
M. Abouali and J. E. Castillo
CSRCR2012-01 Hybrid High-Order Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods for Simulations of Particle-Laden Flow with Shocks
J.P. Suarez
CSRCR2011-02 Finite Volume Discretization of Flux-Divergence in Mapped Grids with Embedded Boundaries
D. Batista
CSRCR2011-01 Genomic Studies Using the Invertebrate Chordate Ciona Intestinalis
J. Chen and R.W. Zeller
CSRCR2010-07 Shear Viscosity in the Postquasistatic Approximation
C. Peralta, L. Rosales, B. Rodríguez-Mueller, and W. Barreto
CSRCR2010-06 Heat Flow in the Postquasistatic Approximation
B. Rodríguez-Mueller, C. Peralta, W. Barreto, and L. Rosales
CSRCR2010-05 Volume Segmentation with Gray-Level and Spatial Correlation-Based Entropic Tresholding, Contour Detection, and Contour Extraction from Tomographic Image Data
M. Ghochani, A.R.C. Baljon, T. G. Frey, and C. Bazan
CSRCR2010-04 Equispaced Pareto Front Construction for Constrained Biobjective Optimization
V. Pereyra, M. Saundersy and J.E. Castillo
CSRCR2010-03 Visualization of the Invertebrate Chordate Ciona Intestinalis Genome Using a Custom Genome Browse
J.S. Chen and R.W. Zeller
CSRCR2010-02 General Curvilinear Ocean Model (GCOM) Next Generation
M. Abouali and J.E. Castillo
CSRCR2010-01 Scale-up of Flotation Processes
M. Burstein
CSRCR2009-09 Image Processing Techniques for Assessing Contractility in Isolated Neonatal Cardiac Myocytes
C. Bazan, D. Torres-Barba, P. Blomgren, and P. Paolini
CSRCR2009-08 A Computational Workflow for the Estimation of Environmental Viral Diversity in Metagenomes
F. E. Angly
CSRCR2009-07 Fast Wave Propagation by Model Order Reduction
V. Pereyra and B. Kaelin
CSRCR2009-06 Excited-State Effective Masses in Lattice QCD
G.T. Fleming, S.D. Cohen, H.W. Lin, and V. Pereyra
CSRCR2009-05 Equispaced Pareto Front Construction for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization
V. Pereyra, M. Saunders, and J.E. Castillo
CSRCR2009-04 Exponential Data Fitting
V. Pereyra and G. Scherer
CSRCR2009-03 Mimetic Finite Difference PDE-based Models in Image Processing
C. Bazan, M. Abouali, J.E. Castillo, and P. Blomgren
CSRCR2009-02 Image Processing Techniques for Assessing Contractility in Isolated Adult Cardiac Myocytes
C. Bazan, D. Torres Barba, P. Blomgren, and P. Paolini
CSRCR2009-01 NFL Player Rating Systems: An Investigations Of The Passer Rating And Proposal For A Rusher Rating
J.L. Wilson and R. Levine
CSRCR2008-27 PDE-Based Image and Structure Enhancement for Electron Tomography of Mitochondria
C. Bazan
CSRCR2008-26 Solving the Vibrational Schrödinger Equation on an Arbitrary Multidimensional Potential Energy Surface by the Finite Element Method
D. Xu, J. Stare, and A. L. Cooksy
CSRCR2008-25 Azimuthal Modulational Instability of Vortices in the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
R.M. Caplan, Q.E. Hoq, R. Carretero-González, and P.G. Kevrekidis
CSRCR2008-24 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate Past an Obstacle
A.S. Rodrigues, P.G. Kevrekidis, R. Carretero-González, D.J. Frantzeskakis, P. Schmelcher, T.J. Alexander, and. Yu.S. Kivshar
CSRCR2008-23 Dissipative Solitary Waves in Periodic Granular Crystals
R. Carretero-González, D. Khatri, M.A. Porter, P.G. Kevrekidis, and C. Daraio
CSRCR2008-22 Controlling Chaos of a Bose-Einstein Condensate Loaded Into a Moving Optical Fourier-Synthesized Lattice
R. Chacon, D. Bote, and R. Carretero-González
CSRCR2008-21 A Map Approach to Stationary Solutions of the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
R. Carretero-González
CSRCR2008-20 Steady State Diffusion Problems on Non-Trivial Domains: Support Operator Method Integrated with Direct Optimized Grid Generation
J.E. Castillo and T. McGuinness
CSRCR2008-19 Structure Enhancement Diffusion and Contour Extraction for Electron Tomography of Mitochondria
C. Bazan, M. Miller, and P. Blomgren
CSRCR2008-18 Direct Measurements of Heat Output by Marine Microbial and Phage Communities
E. Djamali, P. Turner, J. Nulton, F. Rohwer, and P. Salamon
CSRCR2008-17 Fast Wave Propagation by Model Order Reduction
V. Pereyra, L. Carcione, J. Mould, and R. Freund
CSRCR2008-16 Structure and stability of two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates under both harmonic and lattice confinement.
K.J.H. Law, P.G. Kevrekidis, B.P. Anderson, R. Carretero-González, and D.J. Frantzeskakis
CSRCR2008-15 Surface Solitons in Three Dimensions.
Q.E. Hoq, R. Carretero-González, P.G. Kevrekidis, B.A. Malomed, D.J. Frantzeskakis, Yu.V. Bludov, and V.V. Konotop
CSRCR2008-14 Multistable Solitons in Higher-Dimensional Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Lattices.
C. Chong, and R. Carretero-González, B.A. Malomed, and P.G. Kevrekidis
CSRCR2008-13 Nonlinear dynamics of Bose-condensed gases by means of a low- to high-density variational approach.
A.I. Nicolin and R. Carretero-González
CSRCR2008-12 Solitons in one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger lattices with a local inhomogeneity.
F. Palmero, R. Carretero-González, J. Cuevas, P.G. Kevrekidis, and W. Królikowski
CSRCR2008-11 Dynamics of Vortex Formation in Merging Bose-Einstein Condensate Fragments.
R. Carretero-González, B.P. Anderson, P.G. Kevrekidis, D.J. Frantzeskakis, and C.N. Weiler
CSRCR2008-10 Resonant energy transfer in Bose-Einstein condensates.
A.I. Nicolin, M.H. Mogens, J.W. Thomsen, and R. Carretero-González
CSRCR2008-09 Nonlinear Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Physical Relevance and Mathematical Techniques.
R. Carretero-González, D.J. Frantzeskakis, and P.G. Kevrekidis
CSRCR2008-08 Radially Symmetric Nonlinear States of Harmonically Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates.
G. Herring, L.D. Carr, R. Carretero-González, and P.G. Kevrekidis, D.J. Frantzeskakis
CSRCR2008-07 Faraday waves in Bose-Einstein condensates.
A.I. Nicolin, R. Carretero-González, and P.G. Kevrekidis
CSRCR2008-06 Extended Nonlinear Waves in Multidimensional Dynamical Lattices.
Q.E. Hoq, J. Gagnon, P.G. Kevrekidis, B.A. Malomed, D.J. Frantzeskakis, and R. Carretero-González
CSRCR2008-05 Polarized States and Domain Walls in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates.
H.E. Nistazakis, D.J. Frantzeskakis. P.G. Kevrekidis, B.A. Malomed, R. Carretero-González, and A.R. Bishop
CSRCR2008-04 Bright-Dark Soliton Complexes in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
H.E. Nistazakis, D.J. Frantzeskakis. P.G. Kevrekidis, B.A. Malomed, and R. Carretero-González
CSRCR2008-03 Symmetry breaking in linearly coupled dynamical lattices.
G. Herring, P.G. Kevrekidis. B.A. Malomed, R. Carretero-González, and D.J. Frantzeskakis
CSRCR2008-02 Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and Superfluid Ring Excitations in Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates
K.M. Mertes, J. Merrill, R. Carretero-González, D.J. Frantzeskakis, P.G. Kevrekidis, and D.S. Hall
CSRCR2008-01 Čerenkov-Like Radiation in a Binary Superfluid Flow Past an Obstacle
H. Susanto, P.G. Kevrekidis. R. Carretero-González, B.A. Malomed, D.J. Frantzeskakis, and A.R. Bishop
CSRCR2007-21 Image smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion and bilateral filter
C. Bazan and P. Blomgren
CSRCR2007-20 Adapting the LMF temporal splining procedure from serial to MPI/Linux clusters
S. Akhter, I. Sarkar, K. Golam Rabbany, N. Akter, S. Ahkter, Y. Chemin and H. Kiyoshi
CSRCR2007-19 A structural diffusion approach to labeling rows and columns in an irregular array
P. Salamon, B. Felts, C. Hand, A. Limon, J. Rose and J. Torre-Bueno
CSRCR2007-18 Ab initio nuclear shell model calculations with a three-nucleon force for 15O, 16O, 17O, and 9Be
Hai Ah Nam
CSRCR2007-17 Total variation-based image and structure enhancement for electron tomography.
C. Bazan and P. Blomgren
CSRCR2007-16 Parameter-free adaptive total-variation based noise removal and edge strengthening for mitochondrial structure extraction.
P. Blomgren and C. Bazan
CSRCR2007-15 Radial function collocation solution of partial differential equations in irregular domains.
V. Pereyra, G. Scherer, and P. Gonzalez Casanova
CSRCR2007-14 Fast computation of equispaced Pareto manifolds and Pareto fronts for multiobjective optimization problems.
V. Pereyra
CSRCR2007-13 Aircraft design optimization.
J.J. Alonso, P. LeGresley, and V. Pereyra
CSRCR2007-12 Variable projections neural network training.
V. Pereyra, G. Scherer, and F. Wong
CSRCR2007-11 Least squares collocation solution of elliptic problems in general regions.
V. Pereyra and G. Scherer
CSRCR2007-10 Modeling of rupture propogation using high-order mimetic finite differences.
O. Rojas, S. Day, J. Castillo, and L.A. Dalguer
CSRCR2007-09 Positronic complexes with unnatural parity.
M.W.J. Bromley, J. Mitroy, and K. Varga
CSRCR2007-08 Bifurcation analysis of bubble dynamics in fluidized beds.
P. Blomgren, A. Palacios, B. Zhu, S. Daw, C. Finney, J. Harlow, and S. Pannala
CSRCR2007-07 Properties of relativistic compact stars.
Alexander W Ho
CSRCR2007-06 Rotating neutron stars.
F. Weber and P. Rosenfield
CSRCR2007-05 Mimetic finite difference modeling of 2D elastic P-SV wave propogation.
O.J. Rojas
CSRCR2007-04 Total variation based image and structure enhancement for electron tomography.
C. Bazan
CSRCR2007-03 Generating phase shifts from pseudo state energy shifts.
J. Mitroy and M.W.J. Bromley
CSRCR2007-02 Excited States of Positronic Atoms
M.W.J. Bromley and J. Mitroy
CSRCR2007-01 Dispersion Coefficients of the Excited States of Lithium Atoms
J.-Y. Zhang, J. Mitroy and M.W.J. Bromley
CSRCR2006-32 Convergence of the partial wave expansion of the He ground state.
M.W.J. Bromley and J. Mitroy
CSRCR2006-31 Convergence of an s-wave calculation of the He ground state.
J. Mitroy, M.W.J. Bromley, and K. Ratnavelu
CSRCR2006-30 Generating Phase Shifts from Pseudo State Energy Shifts.
J. Mitroy and M.W.J. Bromley
CSRCR2006-29 Initio Study of the Torsional Motion in Tolane.
D. Xu and A.L. Cooksy
CSRCR2006-28 Neutron Star Interiors and the Equation of State of Superdense Matter.
F. Weber, R. Negreiros, and P. Rosenfield
CSRCR2006-27 Neutron Star Interiors and the Equation of State of Ultra-Dense Matter.
F. Weber, R. Negreiros, P. Rosenfield, and A. Torres i Cuadrat
CSRCR2006-26 Constraints on the High-Density Nuclear Equation of State from the Phenomenology of Compact Stars and Heavy-Ion Collisions.
T. Klahn, D. Blaschke, E.N.E. van Dalen, A. Faessler, C. Fuchs, T. Gaitnos, H. Grigorian, A. Ho, E.E. Kolomeitsev, M.C. Miller, G. Ropke, J. Trumper, D.N. Voskresensky, and F. Weber
CSRCR2006-25 Strange Quark Matter and Compact Stars.
F. Weber
CSRCR2006-24 The Cooling of Compact Stars.
Dany Page, U. Geppert, and F. Weber
CSRCR2006-23 Evidence for White Dwarfs with Strange-Matter Cores.
G.J. Mathews, I.-S Suh, N.Q. Lan, K. Otsuki, and F. Weber
CSRCR2006-22 Analysis of White Dwarfs with Strange-Matter Cores.
G.J. Mathews, I.-S Suh, B. O’Gorman, N.Q. Lan, W. Zech, K. Otsuki, and F. Weber
CSRCR2006-21 Strangeness in Compact Stars.
F. Weber, A. Torres i Cuadrat, A. Ho, and P. Rosenfield
CSRCR2006-20 Strangeness in Neutron Stars.
F. Weber, A. Ho, R.P. Negreiros, and P. Rosenfield
CSRCR2006-19 Ultra-Dense Neutron Star Matter, Strange Quark Stars, and the Nuclear Equation of State.
F. Weber, M. Meixner, and R.P. Negreiros
CSRCR2006-18 Compact Star Properties Revised with Color Superconducting Phases of Quark Matter: Implications on Rotation and Emission.
A. Torres i Cuadrat, and F. Weber
CSRCR2006-17 Pulsars as Astrophysical Laboratories for Nuclear and Particle Physics.
F. Weber, R. Negreiros, P. Rosenfield, and M. Stejner
CSRCR2006-16 Mimetic Discretization of Elliptic PDE with Full Tensor Coefficients.
H. Vu and J. Castillo
CSRCR2006-15 Adaptive Finite Element Method for Image Processing.
C. Bazan and P. Blomgren
CSRCR2006-14 Random Walk Currency Futures Profits Revisited.
K. Pukthuanthong, L.R. Thomass III, and C. Bazan
CSRCR2006-13 Second Bound State of PsH.
M.W.J. Bromley and J. Mitroy
CSRCR2006-12 Existence of a 2-P-o Excited State for a +Ca System.
M.W.J. Bromley and J. Mitroy
CSRCR2006-11 Multifrequency Pattern Generation Using Group-Symmetric Circuits.
J. Neff, V. In, B. Meadows, C. Obra, A. Palacios, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez
CSRCR2006-10 Skyrmion-Like States in Two and Three-Dimensional Dynamical Lattices.
P.G. Kevrekidis, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, D.J. Frantzeskakis, B.A. Malomed, and F.K. Diakonos
CSRCR2006-09 Mobility of Discrete Solitons in Quadratically Nonlinear Media.
H. Susanto, P.G. Kevrekidis, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, B.A. Malomed, and D.J. Frantzeskakis
CSRCR2006-08 Discrete Surface Solitons in Quadratically Nonlinear Media.
H. Susanto, P.G. Kevrekidis, B.A. Malomed, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, and D.J. Frantzeskakis
CSRCR2006-07 Rotating Matter Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates.
T. Kapitula, P.G. Kevrekidis, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez
CSRCR2006-06 Mode Locking of a Driven Bose-Einstein Condensate.
A.I. Nicolin, M.H. Mogens, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez
CSRCR2006-05 Generating Vortices and Vortex Rings in Sliced Condensates.
N. Whitaker, P.G. Kevrekidis, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, and D.J. Frantzeskakis
CSRCR2006-04 Vortex Manipulation by Laser Tweezers in Bose-Einstein Condensates.
R. Carretero-Gonzalez, M.C. Davis, and P.G. Kevrekidis
CSRCR2006-03 Parameter-free TV-based Image Processing.
Carlos Bazan
CSRCR2006-02 A A Generalized Multilevel Adaptive Solver for PDEs with Fast Transitions
Alfonso Limon
CSRCR2006-01 A Numerical Investigation of Flame Geometry in Opposed Flow, Thermal Regime Flame Spread over Thin Fuels
Christopher P. Paolini, Ameya Udgaonkar, Subrata Bhattacharjee, Shuhei Takahashi, and Kazunori Wakai