Student Health & Well-Being
Student Health Services
SDSU Student Health Services strives to provide high-quality, convenient, student-focused medical care in a safe and welcoming environment by actively partnering with our patients to enable them to achieve and maintain healthy lives in support of their personal and academic success. In addition to Student Health Services, there are many resources available that supports students’ health and well-being during their time at San Diego State.
Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP)
San Diego State University offers a self-funded Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) to all graduate students. GSHIP is designed to ensure that our graduate students have health, vision, and dental coverage to support their health and wellness throughout their course of study. The program provides students direct support in either obtaining affordable healthcare coverage, if they are not yet covered, or verifying their existing health insurance. For doctoral students, please see the student handbook for more information about health insurance support.
SDSU Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP)
Other SDSU Services for Health and Well-being
We recommend students also take advantage of the many FREE resources while enrolled at SDSU available through these partners:
Student Wellness and Health Promotion
The mission of the Wellness, Health & Counseling Services cluster is to support the campus’ goal of being first in class by providing services that support students’ physical and mental health and wellness to enhance their academic success. We believe that academic excellence is facilitated when students have a strong mind, a healthy body, an enlivened spirit and a clear aspiration, nurtured in a supportive environment.
Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP)
The University of California Irvine provides GSHIP for its enrolled students. GSHIP is a self-funded, comprehensive health insurance program for registered UCI graduate students that is underwritten and administered by the Regents of the University of California. For doctoral students, please see the student handbook for more information about health insurance support.
UCI Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP)
Other UCI Services for Health and Well-being
We recommend students also take advantage of the many FREE resources while enrolled at UCI available through these partners: