Computational Science Research Center

Computational Science Research Center


Student Handbook


On completion of the research, the student will prepare the Dissertation in accordance with UCI regulations, outlined at Degree Completion | Graduate Division | UCI. A final draft of the Dissertation will be presented to each member of the Doctoral Committee at least three weeks prior to the final oral examination. For information on UCI’s filing deadlines, please visit Filing Deadlines | Graduate Division | UCI. The oral defense will be held on the campus of the primary faculty advisor.

Following the completion of the Final Examination, the student must file the “Report of the Final Examination and Filing of the Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy” (JDP 5) at SDSU and the “Ph.D. Form II – Signature Page/Report on Final Examination for the Ph.D.” with appropriate signatures at UCI. UCI forms can be found at Forms & Applications | Graduate Division | UCI. Originals of these forms will be kept on file at UCI with copies kept on file at SDSU. Please see the Notes on Committee Composition section for information on requirements for doctoral committees.

Dissertation Defense (Comp 899)

  • What requirements are there for the Dissertation Defense?
    • On completion of the research, the student will prepare the Dissertation in accordance with UCI regulations.
    • A final draft of the Dissertation must be received by each member of the JDP Committee and the Computational Science Program Directors at least three weeks before the final oral examination.
    • The oral defense will be held on the campus of the primary faculty advisor.
    • The appropriate form “Report of the Final Examination and Filing of the Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy” (JDP5) shall be submitted at SDSU Graduate and Research Affairs and the “Ph.D. Form II – Signature Page/Report on Final Examination for the Ph.D.” form at UCI Graduate Division.
  • Commencement Participation
    • Students will not be allowed to participate in the Commencement Ceremony until they have completed the Dissertation Defense.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the student to understand and to follow these guidelines.