Computational Science Research Center

Computational Science Research Center


Student Handbook

Dissertation Proposal

Students must submit a Dissertation Proposal to the Doctoral Committee by the end of their third year
in the program. This proposal should take the form of a scientific grant proposal to a major funding agency. It should describe the research project that the student intends to carry out and upon which their Doctoral Dissertation will be based. The student must also offer an oral presentation of the Proposal
before the Computational Science faculty. After successful completion of the Dissertation Proposal, the student will be recommended for Advancement to Candidacy at both campuses. In order to formally advance to candidacy for the Ph.D., the student is to complete the “Report of the Dissertation Proposal/Advancement to Candidacy for the Degree of Doctoral of Philosophy” form (JDP4) at SDSU and the “Ph.D. Form I – Advancement to Candidacy – Ph.D. Degree” form with appropriate signatures at UCI. The original form will be kept on file at UCI with a copy being kept on file at SDSU. Advancement to Candidacy for the Ph.D. degree must occur at least one term prior to dissertation defense. UCI forms can be found at Forms & Applications | Graduate Division | UCI.

Dissertation Proposal/Advancement to Candidacy (Comp 897)

  1. What is the Dissertation Proposal?
    • The Dissertation Proposal should take the form of a scientific grant proposal to a major funding agency. The Proposal must describe the research project that the student intends to carry out and upon which their Doctoral Dissertation will be based. The student will make a presentation based on the Dissertation, highlighting their preliminary results and the work that they will complete. The Dissertation Proposal should be completed in sufficient time to allow the research to be completed, and will describe the research that will be performed. Students must submit a Dissertation Proposal to the Doctoral Committee by the end of their fourth year in the program.
  2. Who should attend the presentation?
    • All members of the JDP Committee should be present; other faculty members, staff and students of the Computational Science Research Center, and the public, are invited to attend.
  3. What other requirements are there for the Dissertation Proposal?
    • A copy of the Dissertation Proposal must be received by each member of the JDP Committee and the Computational Science Program Directors at least two weeks before the scheduled presentation.
    • After successful completion of the Dissertation Proposal, the student will be recommended for Advancement to Candidacy at both campuses. The appropriate form entitled “Report of the Dissertation Proposal/Advancement to Candidacy for the Degree of Doctoral of Philosophy” (JDP4) must be completed and submitted to SDSU Graduate and Research Affairs and the “Ph.D. Form I – Advancement to Candidacy –Ph.D. Degree” form at UCI Graduate Division.
    • The JDP4 form for the Ph.D. degree must be approved by both universities at least one (1) term prior to the Dissertation Defense.