Computational Science Research Center
A Generative Probabilistic Transformer Model for Ionospheric Forecasting
Solving Navier-Stokes on 3D Curvilinear Grid
Wave Controlled Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Non-Convex Optimization and Wideband Element Design
Turbulence Mitigation on Images Using GAN Models
From Shapes to Numbers: Analyzing Emergent Patterns in Conway’s Game of Life with Persistent Entropy
Quantum Control of Qubits in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Quantum Defects
Hot, Hypermassive Neutron Stars
Transition Sum Rules in the No-Core Shell Model
Propagation of ab-initio Quantum Dynamics
Population Dynamic Responses of Non-COVID Infectious Disease Agents to COVID-Related Host Social Dynamic Changes
Adaptive Neural Networks and Dynamic Split Computing
Application of Data from Tiltmeter Arrays to Study Surface Expression Risk in Mature Oil Fields of California’s San Joaquin Valley
Mathematical Models of HIV Infection in the Brain: Implication to Effective Treatment Regimens
Leveraging Computational Analysis and Machine Learning to Characterize COPD Susceptibility in the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) Dataset
danRerLib: a Python Package for Zebrafish Transcriptomics
Burgulence Modeling Using a Machine Learning Assisted Mimetic Framework
Exploring Chemical Space: Unraveling the Structure of Reaction Networks
Autonomous Optical Navigation for Spacecraft in the Earth-Moon System: Modeling and Understanding its Limits
External Tensional Force Applied to Mice Mammary Glands Alters the Length and Branching Angles of the Ductal Network
Use of 3D Chaos Game Representation to Quantify DNA Sequence Similarity With Applications for Hierarchical Clustering